sunnuntai 14. marraskuuta 2010

Kinda skrapbooking?

Minulla on tapana ottaa lehdistä kiinnostavia kuvia ja läntätä niitä esimerkiksi kortteihin tai sisustustauluiksi. Se on kai eräänlaista skräppäystä. Tässä vähän kuvia.

I have one hobbie, which comes out always under Yule (Christmas). It's kinda skrapbooking, but still not. When I see some magazines with shiny covers, I must to get those. Then I hunt my scissors and approach these little friends with crazy shine in my eyes.

I have noticed that inside the magazines are beauty pictures, which are wasted when magazines goes to the garbage. I search beauty pics and cut them off.

These pictures I put for example to the Yule cards or I make some fine decor portrait of them. Here is now some pictures about my weird hobbie. :D

The Cherry Woman

Some animals

WWF:n norpat valtaavat maailman!

Tekstiä. Kivoja sanoja ym.

Clocks, candles, a shoe

Star dust
Leikittelin hieman sanoilla ja kuvilla. Pari esimerkkiä, mitä noista voi tehdä.
-Here is couple of pictures about pictures ;). Things, what you can create.

"Mystical Magic Owl"

"Mystical stand" "Magic!" "Wishes come true - Possibility to shine?"

"Winter" and "Warning, seastars, the floor is slippy."

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